Formal Risk Assessment -EPC Services For Emergency Diesel Generator At Barzan Offshore Platform.

Formal Risk assessment

Formal Risk Assessment study was carried out by IFluids Engineering & Consultancy WLL, Qatar for the EPC services for emergency diesel generator at Barzan offshore platforms. The scope of work is to consider design parameters and documents necessary to initiate the detailed engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning of two EDGs for WHP 2 and WHP 3 including maintaining necessary auxiliaries and modifications to existing facility.

  • Preparation of detailed engineering drawings and documents required to execute the EPC project
  • Procurement of two EDGs including required auxiliaries and materials
  • Modification and Re-configuration of existing systems in BRZ-BT-2 & BRZ-BT-3
  • Spare identification in the existing DCS/ESD/F&G systems, reservation of spares by raising RCR to QG and utilization of spares to interface new signals as part of this project scope
  • Identifying signal and power cable routing from the new EDG local control panel located on the drill deck to the MCC Room Located on the Production Deck
  • Modification of existing AC UPS to provide 12 hours battery backup for DCS and telecom loads in BRZ-BT-1
  • Modification of existing LV MCC incomers in BRZ-BT-2 & BRZ-BT-3
  • Constructability Review of site installation and modification
  • Developing all technical specifications, data sheets, calculations, drawings and other engineering design documents as required for the execution of EPC project.

Formal Risk Assessment for the Qatar Gas project, EPC Services for Emergency Diesel Generator at Barzan Offshore Platforms BRZ-BT-2, BRZ-BT-3, Modification and Upgrade of Existing AC UPS Battery Backup in BRZ-BT-1.

The Formal Risk Assessment for the project was conducted in a multidisciplinary workshop format chaired by an experienced facilitator with minutes of meeting recorded by a Scribe. The minutes of meeting from the session was recorded by scribe in a pre-populated MS Excel spreadsheet template based on the Qatar Gas Formal Risk Assessment Procedure.

Generic Formal Risk Assessment technique as per the Qatar Gas Formal Risk Assessment Procedure was used in this FRA session. The methodology applied are shown below. The recommendations identified in this risk assessment shall be verified & closed by the action party and Risk Assessment requestor/initiator and a copy of the completed action closed out sheet will be sent to LPE.

Formal Risk Assessment Methodology

Formal Risk Assessment Methodology

A Formal Risk Assessment for the project was carried out for the project in line with the Qatar Gas Formal Risk Assessment Procedure. For the purpose of the Formal Risk Assessment, project was divided into 3 nodes.

As the FRA scope is limited to only shutdown without production loss, risk screening is not done.

The Formal Risk Assessment didn’t identify any major concerns (Initial & Residual Red risks) for the project. Medium (Yellow region) Initial risks were identified for node 2 & node 3.

For all the 3 nodes, the residual risks for all the scenarios identified will be in the Green region i.e. risks will be tolerable once the Risk Treatment plan identified for the scenarios in Formal Risk Assessment is implemented.

As per the Qatar Gas Formal Risk Assessment Procedure, the Risk Treatment Plans shall be consistent with the Identify and Mitigate Risk (IMR) Process. The Risk Treatment Criteria is shown in the table below.

Risk treatment criteria

Risk treatment criteria

The Risk Owner shall be involved in the development of the Risk Treatment Plan and is responsible for ensuring mitigation actions to close-out risks are completed before issuing the Final FRA report. The Risk Treatment Plan should be entered in the Asset FRA Risk Treatment Plan Tracking Register by the Risk Owner.

The Action Owner shall implement the Risk Treatment Plan within the agreed timeframe, complete the closeout action sheet and send updates to the Risk Owner. The Action Owner shall ensure that closeout of the Risk Treatment Plan is verifiable and supported by reliable evidence.

In order to ensure that the Risk Treatment Plan is implemented in a timely fashion, the Asset FRA Risk Treatment Plan Tracking register shall be managed by the Risk Owner. The Formal Risk Assessment for the project generated a total of Seven Risk Treatment Plans for all the 3 nodes.

As per the Formal Risk Assessment, the Risk Treatment Plan shall be sorted as to either

  • Critical Action (recommendations that must be closed-out before performing the job or closed within the agreed target date between the Risk Owner and Action Owner. These actions typically have a direct impact in risk reduction) or
  • An Improvement Opportunity (recommendations that can be closed-out after performing the job, or that are considered as a long term plan. The target closeout date shall be agreed by the Risk Owner and Action Owner. This type of action may further reduce the risk).

All the Seven Risk Treatment Plans for the project have been identified as Critical Actions since these recommendations must be closed out before the job or activity is performed has an agreed target date to close out and Action Owner and these recommendations have direct impact in risk reduction.